Administrative Law

Expert support in Administrative Law: companies, organizations, and individuals.

User Profiles

Social and environmental enterprises and entities/organizations with the need to relate to a range of public administrations, requiring specialised accompaniment and consulting with full knowledge of how the administration works and of its functional and applied norms.

Individuals in their relationships with the public administration and with other individuals and entities, in matters related to administrative law.

Public administrations and entities in the public sector, organisms of the Generalitat de Catalunya and other Autonomous Communities in Spain, public agencies, consortiums, regional councils, provincial governments, municipalities, ministries, public and mixed public/private enterprises, whether subject to public or private law.

Corporations and organizations in public and private law, professional colleges, non-profit organizations, cooperatives and associations.

Professional offices specialised in other areas seeking to offer full services to their clients, or which, for reasons of incompatibility, require another professional on whom they can fully rely.

Spaces and forums for academic and social reflection on questions such as the reconversion of the real estate sector, the energy revolution, the environment, housing rights or the changing model of cities and related matters.

We offer support to public administrations and social organizations, as well as to enterprises and individuals working in areas related to Administrative Law.

Our services include the increasingly necessary task of accompaniment and mediation.

In the resolution of complex problems, we offer you our experience, knowledge, empathy and common sense in the defence of your position and in decision-making, including when dealing with highly involved negotiations.


Areas of Specific Expertise


  • Urban planning, housing and the environment
  • Forced eviction
  • Public contracts
  • Concessions for use of the public domain
  • Conflict resolution
  • Agreements and relationships between public administrations, and in turn with those subject to their administration
  • Administrative organization and public management, an area we handle jointly with Albor Crecimiento Empresarial
  • Legal defence in all judicial circumstances, including presence in court
  • Organisation of specialised training sessions
  • Sustainable mobility – Sanction Procedures – Patrimonial Liability of the Administration